The human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV) are two species of Lentivirus that infect humans and cause acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. The virus damages the immune system which is responsible for keeping your body functioning to fight against various infections.
When HIV remains untreated, the survival time is 9 to 11 years.
HIV is transmitted sexually which occurs by contact with transfer of blood, pre-ejaculation and vaginal fluids.
Causes of HIV
Sex: the main cause of having HIV infection is through anal, oral or vaginal sex with an infected person whose blood semen or vaginal secretions enter your body while having sex. The infection can enter your body through small tears that may develop in the rectum, mouth sores and vagina.
Sharing needles: you can be at higher risk of HIV infection when you share contaminated needles and syringes. This can happen while having a tattoo if the needles are not sterilized, having a nail work done at the beauty points.
From blood transfusions: In some cases HIV cause is blood transfusion. Pregnancy, delivery or breastfeeding the child can be infected by the virus transmitted by the mother but if the mothers who are HIV positive and are getting proper treatment for the infection during pregnancy can lower the risk to the baby.
How HIV is not spread?
skin-to-skin contact
hugging, shaking hands, or kissing
air or water
sharing food or drinks, including drinking fountains
saliva, tears, or sweat (unless mixed with the blood of a person with HIV)
HIV symptoms in women
Fever and night sweats: low grade fever is common in people with HIV the temperature remains 99.8 degree fahrenheit to 100.8 degree fahrenheit for a long period due to low grade fever people avoid these symptoms as they are not aware of being HIV positive and when the symptoms develops you experience fever which reminds that there is something wrong in your body, sometimes women can experience night sweats interfering the sleep.
Lower belly pain: one of the HIV symptom in women is low belly pain as the infection spreads in uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes it cause below mentioned issues:
Unusual vaginal discharge
Irregular periods
Pain during sex
Pain in your upper belly
Vaginal itching
Vaginal yeast infections: there is no end to women's problem and when the women is HIV positive she has to undergo several complications among them is vaginal yeast infection which they may experience several times a year and this infection give rise to other problems also such as thick white discharge from your vagina, pain during sex, vaginal burning or vaginal sores.
Changes in your period: the most common HIV symptom in women is change in your periods you may experience lighter or heavier bleeding it can also make you to skip your periods. stress and other activities are common with HIV which can cause several issues and this can also happen as your immune system gets affected by the virus which brings hormonal changes.
Last updated
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